How Sharing Plant Music With Others Can Deepen Our Relationships

How Sharing Plant Music With Others Can Deepen Our Relationships

Incredible Device that Enhances Connection to Nature

As the global reach of PlantWave continues to expand, some of the most fascinating stories we receive from our users have to do with the positive impact plant music makes in their relationships.

It’s known that plant music can help you become more attuned to the subtleties of your environment – but we are now finding that listening to plant music in with others is particularly potent in bringing about social closeness through the release of feel-good endorphins.

The generative, always-new sounds of PlantWave creates a novel experience that heightens the empathetic effects of mirror neurons and pair bonding.


We all have a deep yearning for acceptance, belonging and intimacy.

And as it turns out, there is a clear link between meaningful relationships, social connectedness, positive shared experiences and a long, healthy life.

Remember to create space to celebrate the magic around you with the ones you love.

Life tends to be filled with deeper connection, synchrony and love when shared.

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